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Innovate UK Project Update

It's been about 2 or 3 months since we had our Innovate UK grant, so what have we been up to!? Firstly, we have managed to secure 2 locations as testing sites for our project, these being Oxford Trust, Wood Centre for Innovation and JoJo's Vineyard.

Oxford Trust Wood Centre for Innovation


When we were shown around the Wood Centre, we were blown away by the amount of forestry they have, and their interest in what we were proposing. We are hoping to collect information about Ash Dieback from their Ash Trees and Pollution from the road opposite their forest area.

S, Science, T, Technology, E, Engineering, M, Maths, reading as STEM

From this, they would like us to get involved in their STEM programme, teaching the children who visit the centre about sensors, collecting information and trying to build their own sensor to collect data.

JoJo's Vineyard is a client we already work with, through this we were able to ask them if this is something we could do, and they said yes! The owner uses his vineyard for multiple things, helping others with grants as well.

Agri Epi Centre, Engineering, Precision and Innovation

The owner, also does a lot of work with the Agri-Epi Centre, who were also interested in what we were doing, through networking events we have attended recently.

We have also managed to create an enclosure, with the help of Illustrate Design Oxford, who listened to what we wanted and created something incredible for us to use. Each enclosure has our logo on, a small gap on the front for the sensor and ventilation as well as slits on either side so we can attach the enclosure to trees etc. We worked in great partnership with Illustrate Design to create this, and are so proud of how it has come out.

Through this grant, we have also been able to employ a software summer intern! They have become a great part of our team, learning on the job and helping us create so many things to do with this project. With Smith Robotics now expanding into another office, to help accommodate the project and new staff members, this company is really growing and creating its own identity. Watch this space for more updates!

Please note all pictures are copyrighted, all rights reserved to Smith Robotics Ltd ©

Smith Robotics
UKRI, Innovate UK


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